Our classes



Pilates is a exercise routine that aims to improve flexibility, strength, resistance and coordination while maintaining a stylized figure. Also Pilates improve blood and lymphatic flow and strengthen the pelvic girdle or Powerhouse. People that practice

Pilates have better posture, are less prone to injuries and experience a better general health. Joseph Pilates believed that our physical and mental wellbeing are related and developed his exercise program around principles that support this philosophy such as concentration, precision, control, breathing and flowing movement.

Budokon yoga

Designed to develop flexibility, alignment, balance and calmness, bringing together concepts of Vinyasa, martial arts, callisthenic and animal locomotion. Exploring dynamic sequences of different postures or asana connected with precise and conscious transitions. Budokon uses both traditional asana as well as original ones created under the influence of martial arts and producing multidirectional movements on the mat.


In a Yamuna class you learn how to work with each part of your body rolling on the correct ball. Everywhere in the body there is a muscle connecting two parts of the body, that is the path that Yamuna use to heal the body. The ball becomes the hands of the therapist and your weight creates the movement and traction over the ball. This is a great tool that anyone can use regardless of his age or physical limitation, organizing the body and bringing its parts to work the way they should.